Policies – UW Graduate School Skip to content


This page contains searchable database of all Graduate School policies and related procedures. You may also see our complete index of policies that includes information on requesting policy changes.

Duplicative Programs
Duplicative Graduate Degree ProgramProposal Evaluation Guidelines Overview When an academic unit proposes to create a...
Policy 1.1: Graduate Degree Requirements
This policy establishes the Graduate School requirements for all graduate degree programs.
Grading Practices for Graduate Students
For information regarding grades and grading practices for Graduate Students, see Scholastic Regulation, Chapter 110.1.B.
Policy 1.2: Graduate Certificates
This policy establishes the Graduate School requirements for all graduate certificates and includes information on review and approval of graduate certificate programs.
Policy 1.3: Graduate Programs and Credentials
This policy defines the relationship between a graduate degree or certificate program and the transcripted credentials associated with it.
Policy 1.4: The Stacked Graduate Degree
This policy establishes the Graduate School requirements for a stacked graduate degree and includes information on review and approval of stacked degree programs.
Additional Information on Policy 1.4 & Stacked Degree FAQ
This page contains additional information on each requirement from Policy 1.4, as well as general...
Policy 1.5: Concurrent Degree Programs
This policy establishes the general policies for formal and informal concurrent degree programs and includes information on admissions and program requirements.
Concurrent Degree Graduation Review
When students who are enrolled in more than one degree program apply to graduate, they...
Policy 1.6: Sequential Combined Undergraduate/Graduate (CUG) Degrees
This policy establishes the guidelines for a Combined Undergraduate/Graduate (CUG) Degree.
Policy 1.7: Graduate Degree Types
This policy defines the graduate degree at the University of Washington and provides information on proposing a new graduate degree program.
Policy 1.8: Authorization and Periodic Review of Academic Programs
This policy describes oversight and responsibility for the academic program review process.
Policy 1.9: Suspension of Admissions
This policy establishes the guidelines for suspension of admissions for a graduate program.
Policy 2.1: Graduate Course Numbers, Titles, and Audience
This policy defines the graduate course and the numbering and titles used.
Policy 2.2: Graduate Courses in Non-Degree-Offering Units
This policy establishes the procedures for an academic unit not authorized to offer a graduate degree or certificate to offer graduate courses.
Policy 3.1: Graduate Admissions
This policy establishes the Graduate School requirements for admissions to graduate study at the University of Washington.
Policy 3.2: Graduate School English Language Proficiency Requirements
This policy establishes the Graduate School requirements for English Language Proficiency for all students admitted to graduate study at the University of Washington.
Policy 3.3: Enrollment of Graduate Non-Matriculated Students
This policy establishes the Graduate School requirements for offering graduate school courses to graduate non-matriculated (GNM) students, including admissions, enrollment, and credits towards a later graduate program.