Human-Computer Interaction + Design – UW Graduate School Skip to content

Human-Computer Interaction + Design

By integrating several disciplines, the Master of Human-Computer Interaction and Design program brings together design, technology, and the study of human behavior, creating students who can work seamlessly across these fields to create innovative new products, technologies and services.

In a year-long, project-based curriculum, students learn the latest tools and techniques in user experience and interface design, prototyping, user research, and evaluation. Coursework consists of both hands-on studios, often focused on industry-sponsored projects, as well as cutting-edge lecture courses. The combination of theory and practice, with an emphasis on making and doing, provides a dynamic and intensive learning experience.

Program Website

Degree(s)/Certificate(s) offered

Master of Human-Computer Interaction and Design

Program director/interdisciplinary group chair

  • Chair: Jacob Wobbrock, Professor, Information School
  • Director: Ana Maria Pinto da Silva, Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering

Interdisciplinary faculty group membership

The following are the core/voting graduate faculty members of the interdisciplinary group. For a complete list of faculty active in the program, see the program website.

  • Jon Froehlich, Associate Professor, School of Computer Science & Engineering
  • Jeffrey Heer, Professor, School of Computer Science & Engineering
  • Beth Kolko, Professor, Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering
  • Lindah Kotut, Assistant Professor, Information School 
  • Meichun Liu, Assistant Professor, School of Art + Art History + Design
  • James Pierce, Assistant Professor, School of Art + Art History + Design
  • Ana Maria Pinto da Silva, Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering
  • Jacob Wobbrock, Professor, Information School
  • Jason Yip, Associate Professor, Information School