Tuition and fees make up a large part of the cost of attending graduate school, but don’t forget about living expenses, travel, and other incidentals. These pages will help you learn about types and sources of funding as well as how and when to apply. It always helps to start thinking about funding and to take action early.
The Process
Identifying, applying for, and securing funding is a long process. Students are often surprised that they need to start looking for funding at the same time, or even before they apply to schools.
Find Funding
You can begin by searching the various sources for funding both within and outside the university. Learn more about the various types of funding you might be eligible for in the links below.
Once you’ve identified potential funding opportunities, make sure you know the process, requirements, and deadlines. Many deadlines will be sooner than you might think, so be sure to start early.
Helpful Funding Videos
We’ve created a collection of both “nuts and bolts” and helpful tips from students and staff to guide you through the funding process.
Types of Funding
Every form of funding comes with its own set of requirements and expectations. Learn more here…
Assistantships are a form of paid academic employment in which students receive tuition reimbursement for the tasks they perform for faculty members, departments, or colleges.
Fellowships (also known as grants and scholarships) are competitive awards that generally do not require work in exchange for the funds. They are intended to fund academic study and research.
Student Loans are financial obligations that must be repaid. Participating in the Federal/State Work Study program is a way to help pay for your education while gaining experience by working part-time.
On-Campus Jobs
The UW’s job and internship board, Handshake, features a constantly updated and rotating selection of campus positions available to current UW students. See what might fit for you.
General UW Employment (not work-study)
Additionally, students are welcome to search and apply for jobs available to the general public at the UW Hires website.