42 Search results found for: “general exam”

How to study for general exams

I could use some advice on how to study for General Exams in the social sciences. I’m especially having trouble getting through all the reading I’m supposed to do! Any tips on *how* to read for exams? How about studying for generals, more broadly? –Anonymous *A version of this question and the subsequent student answers were first posted in the UW Graduate Student Facebook Group. They have been edited for clarity and re-published anonymously with the permission of the question-asker. …

Final Examination: Dissertation Defense

A Final Examination may be scheduled if: (a) a student passed a General Examination in a previous quarter; (b) a reading committee is officially established with the Graduate School; (c) the reading committee has read an entire draft of the dissertation and; (d) the entire supervisory committee has agreed that the student is prepared and has approved the student to schedule a Final Examination.  At least four members of a supervisory committee (including the Chair, Graduate School Representative, and one…

Instructions for Virtual Doctoral Examinations

Departments may hold General and Final Examinations virtually.  These are minimum Graduate School requirements regarding virtual doctoral examinations. Individual departments may have stricter requirements and participants should contact the departments prior to organizing virtual examinations. Graduate School Requirements As stated in Graduate School Policy 4.2, General and Final Examinations must have four committee members present – the Chair, GSR and at least one additional Graduate Faculty member. If any member(s) and/or the student needs to participate at an exam but cannot…

Graduate School Presidential Dissertation Fellowship in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Social Professions

2024-25 nomination deadline: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at noon (12 p.m. PT).  The Graduate School Presidential Dissertation Fellowship assists Ph.D. candidates in the final stages of writing their dissertations. The 2024–25 Dissertation Fellowship is offered with the support of the University President and includes one quarter of UW state tuition and fees, GAIP insurance, and a stipend at the Predoctoral TA II rate (currently $3,076 per month). Each unit listed at the end of this announcement may submit ONE nominee.   Eligibility Application…

Additional Resources

This page contains resources to aid in the understanding and implementation of Graduate School Policy, including links to Graduate School forms and policy adjacent topics. Graduate School Forms & Reference Documents Graduate School Resources External Resources Below are resources beyond those found on the Graduate School website.