Transportation Services is committed to provide access to campus under a sustainable transportation program that reduces our collective impact on the environment; while providing access to parking and transportation services that align with the University’s core mission and goals.
Resource Type: Housing & Commuter Services
Student Housing (Tacoma)
UW Tacoma offers students the opportunity to live on-campus in a community-based living environment. As a resident in UW Tacoma’s Court 17 Residence Hall, you will have the opportunity to live with other UW Tacoma students in a vibrant and engaging community.
More about UWT student housing
Off Campus Housing Information
Below are sites that provide off-campus rental listings for apartments and houses:
Commuter & Transportation Services (Bothell)
Commuter Services provides transportation resources to the campus community, including providing parking permits, disability parking assistance, bicycle and pedestrian access, bus route information, and carpool support. Our ultimate goal is reducing single-occupancy vehicle trips to the UW Bothell/Cascadia College campus.
Student Housing (Bothell)
Ditch the commute to class and live on campus at UW Bothell. As the only on-campus housing provider, The Residential Village allows you to easily participate in campus events and enjoy the benefits of a community experience including spacious lounges featuring community kitchens, study rooms, and an expansive and modern dining hall accessible with meal plans. Our residents come for the convenience and stay for the community.
Off-Campus Housing Information
Below are sites that provide off-campus rental listings for apartments and houses:
U-PASS (Tri-Campus)
Commuter & Transportation Services (Seattle)
Whether you are a visitor to the campus or a regular commuter, it’s easy to get to the University of Washington by bus or light rail. More than 60 bus routes serve the University District, including many that drive onto the campus itself.
Graduate Student Housing (Seattle)
As a graduate student, your apartment living options are many and varied. You can live right next door to campus or just a short bus ride away. Our furnished and unfurnished apartments are available to students who are single, married, registered same-sex domestic partners, as well as students with families.
Read more about Graduate Student Housing
Off-Campus Housing Information
Below are sites that provide off-campus rental listings for apartments and houses: