Equity, Inclusion & Diversity – Page 2 – UW Graduate School Skip to content

Bias Incident Reporting Tool (Seattle)

Report all incidents of bias or suspected bias using the UW’s bias reporting tool, which was created in partnership with the Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity, the Office of Student Life and the president’s Race & Equity Initiative.

Submission of a Bias Incident Report does not constitute a formal complaint and will not automatically initiate an investigation. UW offices responsible for responding to, investigating, and resolving complaints include the Civil Rights Investigation Office, Human Resources, Community Standards and Student Conduct, University Ombud and Deans’ Offices for Academic Schools and Colleges.

This bias incident reporting tool is for non-emergency incidents. If your immediate safety is at risk, you are witnessing violence or perceive imminent harm to yourself or others, please immediately dial 911. If your experience includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, and/or relationship violence, please contact UW SafeCampus at 206.685.7233 (available 24 hours, 7 days a week).

Bias reporting tool

D Center (Seattle)

The Disability and Deaf Cultural Center — also known as the D Center — is a physical and virtual community gathering space for UW students, staff, and faculty who identify as Disabled, D/deaf, or allies. We are committed to fostering a safe space for folks of all abilities to learn, socialize, and celebrate pride in community with each other.

Read more about the D Center

Q Center (Seattle)

The Q Center envisions a Washington community where justice, equality, compassion, and respect for all people prevail.

We use the following frameworks:

  • We facilitate a brave, affirming, liberatory, and celebratory environment for students, faculty, staff, and alumni of all sexual and gender orientations, identities, and expressions.
  • We approach our work with intentional interpersonal processes.

We aim to:

  • Facilitate holistic culturally embedded and appropriate services for Q students, faculty, and staff.
  • Increase understanding and access to comprehensive, accurate, and respectful information and care regarding sexuality and gender.
  • Support, affirm, and celebrate the range of sexual and gender experiences, orientations, and expressions.
  • Eliminate campus harassment and discrimination based on sexual and gender orientation/identity.

Read more about the Q Center

Undocumented Student Resources (Seattle)

Undocumented individuals are eligible for admission to any graduate program at the University of Washington. Access the link below for guidelines specific to applying to and finding funding for graduate school as an undocumented student.

Read more here

Office of Graduate Student Equity & Excellence (GSEE)

As a unit of the UW Graduate School, the Office of Graduate Student Equity & Excellence (GSEE) is committed to enhancing equity and social progression to promote the success of graduate students impacted by racism and its intersections* at the University of Washington.

For more than 50 years, GSEE has worked with graduate students, staff, faculty and campus leadership to develop initiatives that strengthen graduate diversity, enhance academic opportunities and encourage and support research exploring cultural diversity. GSEE aims to cultivate a culturally and ethnically diverse academic and social environment in which all graduate students can learn and thrive while attending the UW.

GSEE promotes and supports:

  • outreach, recruitment and graduate student success
  • professional development and community building
  • graduate funding opportunities
  • scholarship and research
  • advocacy, consulting and advising

*Intersections include sexism, homophobia, ableism, Islamophobia, antisemitism and other forms of discrimination

Read more about GSEE