Equity, Inclusion & Diversity – Page 2 – UW Graduate School Skip to content

D Center

The D Center is the UW’s Disability and d/Deaf Cultural center, located in the Husky Union Building – Room 327, a space where students can study, organize, rest and attend events and programs focusing on supporting and celebrating disability and D/deaf communities at the UW and beyond.

Read more about the D Center

Q Center (LGBTQ+ Students)

The Q Center envisions a Washington community where justice, equality, compassion, and respect for all people prevail. 

Services include:

  • facilitate holistic culturally embedded and appropriate services for Q students, faculty, and staff
  • increase understanding and access to comprehensive, accurate, and respectful information and care regarding sexuality and gender
  • support, affirm, and celebrate the range of sexual and gender experiences, orientations, and expressions
  • eliminate campus harassment and discrimination based on sexual and gender orientation/identity

Read more about the Q Center

Office of Graduate Student Equity & Excellence (GSEE)

As a unit of the UW Graduate School, the Office of Graduate Student Equity & Excellence (GSEE) is committed to enhancing equity and social progression to promote the success of graduate students impacted by racism and its intersections* at our Bothell, Seattle and Tacoma campuses.

For 50 years, GSEE has worked with graduate students, staff, faculty and campus leadership to develop initiatives that strengthen graduate diversity, enhance academic opportunities and encourage and support research exploring cultural diversity. GSEE aims to cultivate a culturally and ethnically diverse academic and social environment in which all graduate students can learn and thrive while attending the UW.

GSEE promotes and supports:

  • outreach, recruitment and graduate student success
  • professional development and community building
  • graduate funding opportunities
  • scholarship and research
  • advocacy, consulting and advising

Read more about GSEE

*Intersections include sexism, homophobia, ableism, Islamaphobia, antisemitism and other forms of discrimination