The Civil Rights Investigation Office investigates complaints made about University employees and students that raise concerns relating to civil rights such as protection from discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and sexual misconduct.
Resource Type: Equity, Inclusion & Diversity
Bias Incident Reporting Tool (Tacoma)
Bias incidents are acts or behaviors motivated by the offender’s bias against any combination but not limited to identities such as age, ancestry, color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, HIV/AIDS status, military status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
While these acts do not necessarily rise to the level of a crime, a violation of state law, university policy, or the Student Code of Conduct, a bias act may contribute to creating an unsafe, negative, or unwelcome environment for the victim; anyone who shares the same social identity as the victim; and/or, community members of the University.
This reporting process is open to all who are the University of Washington Tacoma campus: Faculty, Staff, Students and Visitors.
Reports can be submitted anonymously.
For emergency situations please call UW Tacoma Campus Safety at 253-692-4416 or for emergency situations, please call 9-1-1.
Office of Equity and Inclusion (Tacoma)
The University of Washington Tacoma’s Office of Equity and Inclusion leverages partnerships within and across all UW campuses and the greater South Salish Sea community to lead visioning, programming, and professional development opportunities that promote, model, and sustain inclusive excellence and social justice.
Undocumented Student Resources (Tacoma)
Undocumented students at the UW Tacoma campus are encouraged to access comprehensive support and resources, in order to succeed academically and personally.
Center for Equity and Inclusion (Tacoma)
The Center for Equity and Inclusion enhances the holistic education of all students by supporting the success of historically marginalized groups, empowering community members to engage difference toward justice, and build a more equitable campus.
Bias Incident Reporting Tool (Bothell)
The purpose of the University of Washington bias reporting system is to identify patterns and trends of institutional and interpersonal discrimination so as to proactively develop campus learning and strategies that may eliminate future bias incidents.
What is a bias incident?
The University of Washington bias reporting system specifically considers incidents of bias to be actions or situations that discriminate, harm, or stereotype on the basis of identities such as race, ethnicity, immigration status, caste religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, and disability.
Submitting a bias report does not initiate a formal complaint or formal investigation of any kind. To initiate a formal complaint process, please refer to the following University of Washington offices responsible for responding to, investigating, and resolving complaints: the Civil Rights Investigation Office (which includes the University Complaint Investigation & Resolution Office and Title IX Investigation Office), Organizational Excellence & Human Resources, Student Conduct, the Office of the Ombud, and each school’s Dean’s Office.
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (Bothell)
The vision of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is to foster a beloved community in which students, staff, and faculty can thrive and transform the University of Washington Bothell, our greater community, and beyond.
Undocumented Student Resources (Bothell)
UW Bothell offers a comprehensive list of resources and information available to DACA and undocumented students.
Student Diversity Center (Bothell)
The vision of the Student Diversity Center is to foster a beloved community in which students can thrive and transform the University of Washington Bothell, our greater community, and beyond.
All-Gender Restrooms (Tri-campus)
All individuals may use facilities such as restrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms that correspond with their gender identity; in other words, individuals may use the restroom of the gender they identify with. This is consistent with WAC 162-32-060
Gender neutral restrooms are available for anyone to use, including people who are trans or genderqueer. They provide greater privacy for those who prefer it, and are accessible to persons with disabilities who have a caregiver of a different gender or to parents with a child of a different gender than themselves.
More information at each campus: