Stacked Degrees – UW Graduate School Skip to content

Additional Information on Policy 1.4 & Stacked Degree FAQ

This page contains additional information on each requirement from Policy 1.4, as well as general FAQs on stacked degrees.

Additional Information on Policy 1.4

All graduate certificates must follow the policies outlined in Policy 1.2.” 

There is no distinction between a graduate certificate used as part of a stacked degree and a graduate certificate intended to be earned independently by a graduate student pursuing another degree or a student enrolled only in the certificate program. 

As such, the review and approval process is the same for all graduate certificates.

“There are no restrictions on credit sharing between a graduate certificate and a graduate degree program.” 

All requirements from a graduate certificate may be applied towards a stacked degree (applies to coursework as well as other components of the certificate). 

“Students who are admitted to the University of Washington through a graduate certificate are matriculated graduate students and must meet the admission standards described in Policy 3.1.” 

Since graduate certificate students are enrolled graduate students, academic units have full responsibility for providing the support and opportunities they provide all of their graduate students. It is critical that all students have access to appropriate staff and faculty advising, facilities and events, and any other opportunities provided to graduate students. 

“Stacked degrees and the graduate certificates they are comprised of will appear as credentials on the student transcript.” 

Once a student earns a graduate certificate, this will appear on the student transcript. It is the responsibility of the program to request conferral of the graduate certificate in a timely manner. This applies whether or not the student intends to pursue a graduate degree that contains the graduate certificate as a component of the degree. 

Once the student completes all graduate degree requirements, this is processed the same way as any other degree program. 

“A stacked graduate degree program must include a capstone or culminating experience.” 

Although Graduate School policy allows some applied professional master’s programs to be coursework only, all stacked degrees require a final culminating or integrated experience as described in Policy 1.1

“The title of a stacked graduate degree must clearly reflect the academic focus of the degree program.” 

The nomenclature of a degree title follows the principles articulated in Policy 1.3

“Stacked degrees and the graduate certificates they are comprised of must have clear academic oversight by the graduate faculty of the proposing unit, as well as clear administrative support. This must be articulated as part of the program proposal process.” 

Stacked degrees and the graduate certificates included in them adhere to the same expectations as any other degree program in terms of oversight and administrative support. The academic unit must assure specific guidance and advising resources for students enrolled in certificates that may be stacked towards a degree. 

Stacked Degree Frequently Asked Questions

No, stacked degrees will be approved as “bundles” of certificates with a culminating experience, like any other graduate credential, to ensure a coherent and rigorous program of study. 

Yes, this will allow units to test prospective student interest gradually and will have the added advantage of not burdening faculty with the task of envisioning and proposing a full degree program at once. Stacked degrees can also be proposed all at one time, that is, a proposal with both the degree and the component certificates.


Stacked degrees can be master’s degrees or practice doctorates, but not the Ph.D.

Stacked degrees will be just like other graduate degrees which can either be tuition-based or fee-based.

Components of a stacked degree must be approved graduate certificates as described in Policy 1.2. These graduate certificates consist of transcripted graduate coursework, and the graduate certificate appears as a credential on the student transcript. Students pursuing a stacked degree or a graduate certificate must be matriculated graduate students and thus must apply to a graduate program and meet Policy 3.1 admissions requirements.

UWC2 Professional and Continuing Education may offer non-credit certificates for the general public which do not go through the same approval process as University of Washington degrees and graduate certificates, and which do not appear on the student transcript. An academic unit intending to “convert” an existing UW Continuum College certificate to a graduate certificate must propose it as a new graduate certificate program following the graduate certificate proposal guidelines.

As stated in Policy 1.4, continuous enrollment is not required. A stacked degree follows the time limits described in Policy 1.1 for all degree programs (six years for a master’s degree; ten years for a PhD). Exceptions to these time limits can be made at the academic unit level.

Units offering stacked degrees may determine that shorter time limits are needed and describe this information in the program proposal. 

Stacked degrees and their component graduate certificates must be under the oversight of one dean (for Seattle campus) or chancellor (Bothell and Tacoma campuses). For stacked degrees featuring graduate certificates from multiple units under one dean, the degree program code and official oversight will be housed at the school/college/campus level rather than in one unit.

Policy 1.4: The Stacked Graduate Degree

A “stacked degree” is a graduate program that includes as part of its degree requirements one or more earned graduate certificates. The intent of a stacked degree should be to provide for flexible entry to graduate education for students who would benefit from a graduate certificate credential and who may or may not ultimately pursue a graduate degree. Stackable graduate certificates may be earned independently from a degree or may be combined to apply towards degree requirements as described in the following policy. Master’s degree programs and practice doctorate degree programs may incorporate stackable graduate certificates. 

Review and approval of a stacked  degree is managed as part of the degree program approval or program change process overseen by the Graduate School and must adhere to the following: 

  • All graduate certificates must follow the policies outlined in Policy 1.2.
  • The combination of certificates that comprise the degree must ensure that students meet coursework/credit requirements (e.g., course levels, minimum credits, minimum graded credit) described in Policy 1.1 for each degree type. 
  • Students who are admitted to the University of Washington through a graduate certificate are matriculated graduate students and must meet the admission standards described in Policy 3.1.
  • Stacked degrees and the graduate certificates they are comprised of will appear as credentials on the student transcript.
  • Per Policy 1.2, each certificate must include a culminating experience.  In addition, a stacked graduate degree program must include a degree-level capstone or culminating experience.
  • The title of a stacked graduate degree must clearly reflect the academic focus of the degree program.
  • Stacked degrees and the graduate certificates they are comprised of must have clear academic oversight by the graduate faculty of the proposing unit, as well as clear administrative support. This must be articulated as part of the program proposal process.
  • If applying GNM or transfer credits towards a graduate certificate that is part of a stacked master’s degree, no more than 6 applicable GNM or transfer credits may be applied to each individual graduate certificate that is part of the stacked master’s degree and no more than 12 applicable GNM or transfer credits may be applied to the stacked master’s degree total. 
  • The Graduate School does not mandate continuous enrollment for stacked credentials. However, the total time period to complete the degree must fall within the limits described in Policy 1.1. Exceptions to time to degree will be made at the program level. Program policy around time limits must be described in the program proposal, including:
    • How students are protected from starting one or more certificates when the students may not be able to complete the stacked degree within a reasonable time.
    • Whether there should be a time-limit for specific coursework to apply towards degree requirements, considering that some content may become outdated. 

Policy 1.4 created: July 2022; revised: December 2022; April 2024; January 2025