Office of the Dean – UW Graduate School Skip to content


The communications team conveys the Graduate School’s commitment to diversity and graduate students’ success by supporting fundraising, recruitment and retention and professional development efforts.

Annie Pellicciotti, director

Additional support

We direct, design, create and maintain our online presence that serves the Graduate School’s audiences. In addition, we gather, coordinate and disseminate information of interest and importance to UW graduate students, Graduate School staff, University leaders, the UW campus and the community, and collaborate with units campus-wide to share content and cross-promote news and successes. Communications vehicles include the Graduate School website, social media channels, regular enewsletters to grad students and staff, public presentations and institutional reporting.

Location and contact

100 Gerberding Hall (map →)
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The advancement team aims to increase philanthropic gifts benefiting all UW graduate students. We focus on graduate education giving opportunities that transcend disciplinary boundaries and impact the entire University. Specifically, our advancement efforts focus on enhancing and supporting diversity, interdisciplinary programs, recruitment of top students and the UW Press. We also work closely with the UW Press development team to augment their efforts to generate private support for the publication of outstanding scholarly books.

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Office of the Dean

Appointed by the provost, the dean is the leading advocate for graduate students and graduate education at the UW.

Joy Williamson-Lott, Dean of the graduate school

Additional support

Appointed by the provost, the dean is the leading advocate for graduate students and graduate education at the UW. The dean directs the many services and resources that the Graduate School offers to support graduate students and their success, as well as the processes that guarantee the high quality of the UW’s academic programs. In collaboration with deans and faculty in schools and colleges throughout the University, the graduate dean raises money to support graduate students and programs, as well as demonstrates the significant impact that graduate education has throughout our communities.

Location and contact

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