The Graduate School provides advocacy, management, and an administrative home for integrative interdisciplinary programs.
Additional support
We partner with faculty across multiple colleges, schools, campuses, and partner institutions to support educational activities that cut across administrative boundaries and where the diversity of faculty interests and expertise cannot easily be represented by a single chair, dean, or chancellor.
The Office of Academic Affairs partners with colleges and schools to establish, maintain and innovate graduate education at the UW. We apply our experience and expertise in university policy and procedures to support programs in meeting their goals and fulfilling the expectations of the University and State of Washington.
Scope of Work
The Office of Academic Affairs oversees reviews of existing academic programs and of new graduate degree and certificate proposals for all three campuses. It also interprets, reviews and modifies Graduate School policy, coordinates the activities of the Graduate School Council, and leads new academic initiatives.
Kima Cargill Associate Dean for Academic Affairs | 206.685.0662 Assistant: Jennifer Phipps | 206.685.3519
Kima Cargill oversees the Office of Academic Affairs for the Graduate School. In this capacity, she chairs the Graduate School Council, conducts academic program reviews, oversees new graduate degrees and certificates, and leads policy initiatives on behalf of the Graduate School. Kima also serves as a professor of psychology at the University of Washington-Tacoma.
Jennifer Phipps Assistant to the Associate Deans | 206.685.3519
Jennifer provides executive support for the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. She also supports logistics for the Graduate School Council meetings, including developing the agenda, meeting notes and maintaining the Graduate School Council’s archives. Jennifer also manages the scheduling and resolution of graduate student academic grievances and maintains updates on the Office of Academic Affairs webpage.
Jeremy oversees the curriculum and program review missions of the Office of Academic Affairs and interprets, researches, and organizes the development of graduate school policy. In addition, he supports both the Dean and Associate Deans of the Graduate School on a portfolio of strategic projects and collaborates with Graduate School staff and colleagues across the UW to support the academic mission of interdisciplinary programs.
Program Review
Chris Partridge Director of Academic Program Review | 206.543.9973
Chris oversees the academic program review process for undergraduate and graduate degree programs across all three campuses, liaising with academic units, deans, and faculty review committees, and other administrative stakeholders across the UW. He works to continuously improve the program review process in terms of transparency, helpful guidance to stakeholders, and value to the institution.
Ann Busche Academic Program Review Specialist
Ann coordinates day-to-day logistics and communications for each academic program review. She also assists the Director of Academic Program Review with producing official program review documentation, developing and improving process policy, and liaising with academic units regarding all phases of the academic program review process.
Katie Beisel Hollenbach Curriculum Specialist I 206.685.3704
Katie liaises with academic units, the Graduate Council, and other stakeholders to manage the institutional review and approval of new and revised graduate academic programs across all three UW campuses. She provides guidance for proposing units on curriculum content, policies, and procedures.