GSEE/Equity & Justice Events UPCOMING POWER HOURS Finding Rejuvenation through Art with Antonia Ramos Jan. 28: 3:00–4:30 p.m., CMU 126 - Back by popular demand! Career Pathways & Trajectories March 6: 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m., CMU 126 GSEE Power Hours are designed with introspective growth in mind. Historically underrepresented graduate students participate in interactive discussions surrounding topics that are unique to their academic and professional journeys. Real Talk Tuesdays Jan. 14 | Feb. 11 | March 4: 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m., CMU 126 RTTs are a space to engage in real talk about issues that impact historically underrepresented graduate students. Topics rotate every discussion. RSVP required. Staying Connected Jan. 10 | Feb. 7 | March 7: 3:30–5:00 p.m. Staying Connected is a recurring social hosted by the GSEE Graduate Student Advisory Board. Connect with us to stay up to date on locations! GSEE Newsletter Stay up to date on GSEE events, graduate school events, professional development, and funding opportunities though our weekly GSEE Newsletter. Email to be added to the listserv. Subscribe to the newsletter Previous imageNext image The Office of Graduate Student Equity & Excellence and the Office of Equity & Justice hold events throughout the school year, both in-person and virtual.